
MFA, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California, USA, 2003

BFA, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2000

BFA, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea, 1997


IMJ, founder, Seoul, Korea, 2003-present

Faculty, Department of Visual Communication Design, Kookmin University
Seoul, Korea, 2006-present

California Institute of the Arts Public Affairs Office, graphic designer
Valencia, California, USA, 2004-2006

SEED Consulting, graphic designer, Seoul, Korea, 1997


Distinctive Merit, Art Directors Club, 2008

Honorable Mention, I.D. Magazine, 2008

Merit, HOW Magazine, 2008

3 Certificates of Typographic Excellence, Type Directors Club, 2008

5 Merits, Art Directors Club, 2006

4 Certificates of Typographic Excellence, Type Directors Club, 2006

Merit, Art Directors Club, 2005

Finalist, Mohawk Show 5, 2004

Gold, Art Directors Club, 2004

Honorable Mention, I.D. Magazine, 2004

2 Certificates of Typographic Excellence, Type Directors Club, 2004

First Place, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, 2003

Third Place, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, 2002

Solo Exhibition

Works Made in Valencia by Jae-Hyouk Sung, Gallery Factory, Seoul, Korea, 2007

Group Exhibition

The 87rd Art Directors Club Annual Awards Traveling Exhibition, various venues in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, 2008-2009

I.D. 2008 Annual Design Review Exhibition, Shelia C. Johnson Design Center, Parsons the New School for Design, New York, NY, USA, 2008

International Poster and Graphic Arts Festival of Chaumont 2008, A l'Entrepot des Subsistances, ground floor, Chaumont, France, 2008

Earthquakes & Aftershocks: Posters from the CalArts Graphic Design Program, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, 2007

Earthquakes & Aftershocks: Posters from the CalArts Graphic Design Program, Ecole de beaux-arts de Rennes, Rennes, France, Musee de Publicite, Paris, France, 2005

The 83rd Art Directors Club Annual Awards Traveling Exhibition, various venues in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, 2004-2005

POST: Contemporary Poster Design, Projects Gallery at University of Akron, Myers School of Art, Akron, OH, USA, 2004

In Cahoots, Gallery D301, California Unstitut of the Arts, Valencia, CA, USA, 2003



Sung, Jae-Hyouk. "How do you practice (graphic) design?" In DT 2. Seoul, Hong Design, 2008

Redaction, no. 1 (2006)


Computer Art magazine, September 2007, Korea


Art Directors Annual 87
--RotoVision, USA

Typography29: The Annual of the Type Directors Club
--HarperCollins International, USA

Chaumont 2008: International Poster and Graphic Design Festival
--Pyramyd, France

I.D. magazine
--July/August 2008, USA


Almanac of Asia-Pacific Design
--Sandu Cultural Media, China

Design 360 magazine
--Volume 11, September 2007, Sandu Cultural Media, China

CMYK magazine
--No 38, August 2007, USA


Art Directors Annual 85
--RotoVision, USA

Typography27: The Annual of the Type Directors Club
--HarperCollins International, USA


Earthquakes & Aftershocks
--Exhibition Catalog, Ecole des beaux-arts de Rennes, France

Art Directors Annual 84
--RotoVision, USA


Actual Size
--Catalog of Mohawk Show 5, USA

Art Directors Annual 83
--RotoVision, USA

Typography25: The Annual of the Type Directors Club
--HarperCollins International, USA

I.D. magazine
--July/August 2004, USA

CalArts Happenings
--Fall 2004 Issue, USA

Communication Arts Vizual
--Volume 1, Number 1, USA


CalArts Happenings
--Fall 2003 Issue, USA